Free Yoga for AS Resources
World AS Day 2023 with ASIF
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Yoga for the Spine and Back with Jamie
Grab two chairs and join Jamie for the session. We hope you enjoy.
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Yoga for the Neck and SI Joints with Geoff
Bring a chair, two pillows and an exercise mat or blanket to lie on - or you can use your bed!
Videos on our YouTube Channel
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30 min Full Body Yoga with Jamie
This is a 30 min sequence of moderate intensity.
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Beginners 20 minute Yoga for AS with Geoff
This is perfect for those new to Yoga for AS.
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Chair Savasana Tutorial
In this video, Jamie demonstrates how to modify Savasana (or corpse pose).
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All levels 30 minute Yoga for AS with Jamie
This is a 30 minute practice aimed to accommodate a wide variety of presentations of AS.
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45 min Full Body Yoga with Geoff
This is a 45 min sequence of moderate intensity.
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Mat Yoga for Low Back Pain with Sandra
Guest video from our Friend Sandra Voss. Sandra lives with AS and is a qualified yoga teacher.
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Quick tips to improve your posture
In this video, Geoff demonstrates how to improve your posture with AS
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How to get down to the floor with Arthritis
In this video, Jamie demonstrates a few ways to get down to the floor.
Combat Sedentary Work with This Fun, Accessible Yoga Sequence
Take a quick break from sitting at your desk and energize your body with a fun and easy-to-follow yoga sequence. It only takes 10 minutes!
The SAA have created a special Yoga for AS page for those who are a part of the SAA community.
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Live classes with NASS
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Yoga for Fatigue
An introduction to managing fatigue through the tools of yoga
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Yoga for Necks
Learn some foundational techniques for reducing neck pain/ stiffness.
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Yoga for the whole body
Try this very gentle full body sequence for an introduction to yoga.
Yoga & Stretching for AS with theCanadian Spondylitis Association
In this video Jamie, will take you through how to modify Yoga for AS at three different ability levels.
Do you live in Canada?
Together with the CSA we have created a set of exciting resources for you.
Click here to learn more.
Do you live in Canada?
Together with the CSA we have created a set of exciting resources for you.
Click here to learn more.
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Other content for you to view
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Live Stream with
Discover Tai Chi
Introducing a chair based yoga practice to our friends Discover Tai Chi
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IN MY BONES - Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis
In 2018 Jamie and Geoff featured in a short documentary about AS by
Beecam Productions.
Beecam Productions.
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Yoga for Ankylosing Spondylitis
A mini documentary by Beecam Productions about Yoga for AS.
Podcasts/ Interviews
Yoga for AS and Hypermobility
In this video Maria Harding, will take you through how to modify Yoga for AS if you have hypermobility. Maria is a yoga teacher who has both hypermobility and AS, so she is an expert by experience.
To download a free 1 page PDF of additional cues on how to practice yoga for AS if you have hypermobility, click below:
To download a free 1 page PDF of additional cues on how to practice yoga for AS if you have hypermobility, click below:
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