Stretch not strain, stretch and relax.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
Avoid headstands, full shoulder stands or plough poses.
Go to where you are feeling the stretch, then ease off little and breathe into the pose.
Yoga breathing encourages the parasympathetic nervous system which encourages greater relaxation and reduces stress, hence reducing inflammation.
No pressure. This means don’t allow yourself to be pushed physically by anyone when in a yoga pose. It means do not allow group pressure or from pressure from yourself to coax you into going further than you feel comfortable.
The benefits of yoga does increase by going further, in fact by taking time and easing your way into a pose, your muscles and nervous system respond favourably.
Absence of injury. You're already dealing with AS, to avoid another injury.
Absence of injury. You're already dealing with AS, to avoid another injury.
Breathing techniques and relaxation practices are recommended if you are in flare, more than stretching.